Welcome to Durham Intermediate School!

On behalf of myself and the Durham Intermediate School Faculty, I welcome your student and family to Durham Intermediate School (DIS). The faculty and I are looking forward to the 2023-2024 school year.

DIS is an excellent school which has multiple opportunities for a successful year. DIS is not only known for their academic rigor and programs but also for their positive campus climate. Academically, DIS uses a curriculum supporting the California State Standards. We challenge our students to use their potential to the fullest in achieving high grades and test scores. Our staff supports the students by dedicating their time before school, at lunch and after hours for success as they prepare the students for high school.

DIS can be described as having a respectful, responsible, and safe student body. We create a caring and supportive environment that allows the students to learn to their full potential.

The Durham Unified School District, at all campuses, is unique for its culture, parent involvement and excellent student behavior. When visiting the DIS campus you will see joyful students that are excited to learn, supporting their classmates and excelling in the classroom. The staff and I are excited to work as a team with you to create and sustain this safe, caring, and supportive environment.

I look forward to meeting you. Please feel free to stop by the school or contact us at 895-4690. You can also email me at lfox@durhamunified.org for any further questions.


Lora Fox, Principal

Durham Intermediate School